Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly Muse for March 22

I just finished reading a well-written summary of attachment theory research, in which Wylie and Turner suggest that "during the last 15 to 20 years, attachment theory has exerted more influence in the field of psychotherapy than just about any other model, approach, or movement." (Psychotherapy Networker, March/April 2011, p 19-20).

What excites me about attachment theory, is that the findings suggest that if we can somehow come to terms with our personal stories, which means that we begin to make peace with the experiences and important people that have impacted us, we can create secure attachments for ourselves and our children. This means we can create safe, emotionally secure relationships, that become a crucial "home base" for us. Sadly, so many of us go through life forever looking for a "home base" that eludes us. This keeps us from having someone we can freely talk to about whatever may have affected us during our day or week.

Any thoughts?


  1. Great thought. If I'm tracking with what you are saying then understanding our past is the key to unlocking our future, at least in connection to our relationships?

    Jim Hill

  2. Yes Jim! The more we work at making peace with our relationship history, with all the disappointments and wounds, the better chance we have to form more satisfying relationships in our present, and our future. When we turn a blind eye, we fate ourselves to repeating the same unsatisfying relationships again and again.
